2016. Music Video
Artist / 中華一番
Title / 小便
Video All Works / TEAM DOSANKO
誰かヤツらを止めてくれ! ヨーロッパのテクノシーンで大反響を巻き起こしながらも、ビデ倫の鶴の一声によって削除の憂き目にあった伝説のMVがついに復刻! 札幌は狸小路が産んだスーパースター中華一番のネクストステージ『小便』! (北條 大吾 from 中華一番)
Someone stop them! The legendary MV was finally reprinted, even though it caused a huge response in the European techno scene, but was deleted by the voice of NEVA's crane! The next stage "piss" of the superstar "Chuka Ichiban" which was born by Tanukikoji in Sapporo! (Daigo Hojo from Chuka Ichiban)